Home » Benin History: the Benin-Yoruba Relationship

Benin History: the Benin-Yoruba Relationship

Here is some Benin history you might not have heard. What exactly is the historic relationship between the Benin Kingdom and the Yorubas? On one side, the Yorubas are saying Benin came from them, on the other side, Benin is saying it is in fact the opposite. Well, let me share this authentic story with you.

In The Beginning, There Was

Benin Kingdom, 1100 A.D. – After the banishment of Owodo (the last Ogiso) for misrule and being a horrible ruler – yeah, bad leadership in Nigeria did not start yesterday – Evian was appointed as an administrator.

Now Owodo wasn’t all bad, once upon a time, he actually freed slaves, way before it became fashionable, in fact. But he wasn’t well-liked and was thought to be weak, tactless and extravagant. There was also that business with Osogan, a man-eating animal, that terrorised the city during his reign. Anyways, Evian, the brave – slayer of Osogan – took over, and ruled Benin for nearly 40 years.

Basics Don’t Deserve Nothing

In his old age, Evian chose his son, Ogiamien, as a successor – because nepotism. This did not go down well with the Edo people, who maintained that the hereditary succession to the throne was only applicable to kings and not to commoners to which Evian belonged – savage! They basically told him he was basic and needs to chill.

So the elders, led by Oliha, went on a search to look for Ikaladerhan, the banished son of the last Ogiso Owodo, who had for some time taken refuge at Uhe – Ife as it is now known.

Wait, Ikaladerhan is Oduduwa?

They reached Uhe to meet Ikaladerhan as a king. However, the elders could not persuade him to come home – I mean, I wouldn’t if I were him – but Ikaladerhan, now known as Oduduwa, agreed to send his son only if the Benin people could take care of him.

This is how Oduduwa sent his son, Oranmiyan, to Benin. Oranmiyan was sent to Benin in 1170 A.D. He came to Benin and Ogiamen refused him entry into the city. Again, so on-brand of Nigerian leaders not to relinquish their office.

Oranmiyan had both language and cultural handicaps because of his Yoruba background. Though he had a Benin father (Ikaladerhan), he was really born and bred in Yorubaland. Benin history is complicated.

He renounced his position and labelled Benin Kingdom as Ile Ibinu. This means land of annoyance and vexation. He also declared that only a child of the soil, educated in the culture could rule the kingdom. Duh, that’s obvious!

And the Oba Dynasty Begins with a Little Naughtiness

On his way back home, Oranmiyan stopped briefly at Egor, where he impregnated Princess Erimwinde, the daughter of the Enogie of Egor. Oranmiyan is a real bad guy, don’t you think? She bore him a son Owomika (Eweka I) which means I have succeeded.

For a period of 30 years, the administration of Benin was virtually in the hands of Ogiamien’s family. Until 1200 A.D. when Eweka I ruled the kingdom as a boy king with the help of his maternal grandfather, Ogiegon

Do you think this is the authentic story? Tell us why in the comments.

Nicholas Abiebhode

Hi, Nicholas here. Been writing for as long as I can remember. Love musicals and MMA. You can find me on Twitter and IG @nicholausian

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