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Married for Five Years

Mr and Mrs Agbede have been married for five years. It’s been a five year journey of happiness, but not without the usual bumps and potholes. The ever chatty Mr Agbede, and the more reserved Mrs Agbede, share their story, enjoy:

How did you meet?

Mrs Agbede

We met in the church. 

We need more details

Mr Agbede

After a Sunday service, I was going out and I noticed that there was a lady with the kids of one of my favourite pastors and I went to her, we exchanged pleasantries and I tried to be her friend. I asked her for her number but she refused. Even when I insisted, she didn’t budge. It was later that I heard the backstory that she had just ended a really unhealthy relationship and was not willing to mingle anymore.

So I went to my pastor and told him that I liked the lady that I’d seen. Now, Pastor didn’t even have her number. Since we were both working in the First Timers Department, what my pastor did was to go straight to the first timers records and find her card, which he gave to me. That’s how I got her number.

Wow, thank God for your pastor. How long did you guys date and how long have you been married for?

Mr Agbede

Oh, our courtship wasn’t up to a year

Mrs Agbede

A year and six months

Mr Agbede


I think you just confirmed that men are bad with dates

Mr Agbede

Yeah, I just found out that we have been married for five years and our anniversary is this month (21st April).


Mr Agbede and Mrs Agbede

Thank you

Do you have nicknames for each other?

Mr Agbede

No, if you know me so well, you know I love pidgin very well, so instead of BAby (stress on the first syllable), I just call her baBY (stress on the second syllable).

That’s nice. What’s your favourite thing to do together?

Mr Agbede

Do we even have?

Mrs Agbede

We don’t have o, we just do things together but no favourite thing though

Mr Agbede

Maybe it’s because our hobbies are different though. You know my hobbies are musical while she more into movies. I mean, I could make a conscious effort to watch something with my wife but it’s not really my thing

Alright. So what do you like about each other? Maybe that one thing that you like most?

Mr Agbede

I think for me it is regard. I love that we regard each other and she gives me peace of mind.

Mrs Agbede

There’s nothing I like in particular. I mean, if I have that one thing that I like and it’s not there tomorrow, what would I hold on to? So, that’s nothing specific.

Mr Agbede

So what my wife is trying to say is that she doesn’t like me like that, she’s just managing me (laughs)

What is the biggest quarrel you have had?

Mr Agbede

Currently, we are quarreling and after this interview, I’m sure we will go back to it. Most times, what causes our quarrel is someone wants something to be done a certain way and the other wants it the opposite way. And then, you have to realize that it is not about one specific person but the both of you.

Mrs Agbede, what’s the thing he does that annoys you the most

Mrs Agbede

Sometimes, it’s the way he goes about correction, you know, in a way that makes me feel bad, but I’ll just hide it and take the correction.

Are you a social media, PDA couple or are you private?

Mr Agbede

I would say private. Most times, it’s me that drags her out. There was a time I used to post her on my social media, but then she would not post me on hers. While there was a perfectly good reason for that, I decided to stop posting much of her on my socials as well.

What’s your dream vacation together?

Mrs Agbede

I don’t want to say it. 

Mr Agbede

What’s there not to say? I want us to travel out for vacation to Mauritius.

What’s something you are proud of in your partner?

Mr Agbede

Three things: her love for God, the way she takes care of our baby and family, and self control

Mrs Agbede

I am proud of his fear of God

Mr Agbede

And I love my family so well and I’m trying

Thank you for the conversation 

This couple isn’t married and live 3000 miles apart, find out how they do it here.

Nicholas Abiebhode

Hi, Nicholas here. Been writing for as long as I can remember. Love musicals and MMA. You can find me on Twitter and IG @nicholausian

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