In the ancient Benin Kingdom, the war leaders were known as Ezomos of Benin. After the Oba and the Iyase of the Benin Kingdom, the chief with the Ezomo title...
Before colonialism and the spread of Christianity in Edo land, the Edo people served certain gods. These gods were worshiped and held great importance in maintaining societal norms. They played...
Don’t mind our clickbait title: Adesuwa did not cause a war, if anything, she was the victim of a man’s ego and his inability to take no for an answer....
You have probably heard of the British Invasion of Benin in 1987, if not from school, then from that Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen film. But if by any chance, you do...
If you live in Benin City or are from here, you have probably heard the name Emotan before. Some may even know that she was a market woman at Oba...
Have you heard about the Akoko Edo people of Edo State? Akoko Edo is located in the northernmost region of Edo State. Its borders are Kogi State in the north,...
Have you ever heard of the Igbo-speaking people of Edo State? Well, they live in a town called Igbanke. Igbanke is a group of villages in Orhionmwon LGA of Edo...
If you went to school in Benin or have grand-relatives of Benin descent, you have probably had an earful about Aruan the Giant. The story of Aruan (also spelt Arhuanran...
Have you ever heard the incredible tale of General Asoro? Well, he made Jackie Chan and Jet Li look like complete amateurs with his amazing moves on the battlefield. Join...
Queen Idia is what we refer to in today’s lingo as Mother. She ate and left no crumbs. The Queen devoured. She slayed. She marinated in River Mother and Mother...